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"Where the story is you"

We are a network of purposeful accountability groups; we like to say we are a flock of echelons with a mission to move your "someday I will, to this year I did!" through a peer-based mastermind accountability mentorship series. Live Alive is committed to the collective growth of women supporting other women. 

Schedule a free 15-minute chat to learn how to join!

Why Echelons?


It is understood through multiple studies that migrating birds take turns leading when flying in Echelons. This rotation of position happens many times in the course of the long journey toward warmer climates. Like birds in flight, participants of the Live Alive Series serve as equal parts leader and navigator, vacillating between taking the lead and flying at the wingtip; embracing the concepts of accountability, vulnerability, and commitment to migrate the flock one upwash and one downwash at a time, toward our warmer climates

Live Alive Echelons

Click below to learn more about Purposeful Accountability™ with one of our complimentary guides 

Live Alive Self Discovery Exercise

Live Alive Self Discovery Exercise

In order to move forward, we must first pause. Pause and reflect on what is really important for each of us. What do we value and what has led us there, what do we want for our future and what do we need to incorporate into our lives to find it. The Self Discovery exercise is the first step in the series. Download it for free and take a step toward discovering your life theme.

Purposeful Accountability Guide

Purposeful Accountability Guide

Purposeful Accountability is about aligning your values with your goals and life's work. It's about formalizing your accountability partnerships to maximize their full potential and value. Download our guide to set you up for success.


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I'm only one quarter into Live Alive and I already know it's going to change my life. I've been grouped up with three amazing women who are on track to be lifelong friends. Every time we get together we laugh our asses off while also getting real about how we're going to do That Thing we've been thinking about doing forever. 

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I'm that person who has all the great ideas floating around in my head that regularly get passed over for the "right now" work.  Live Alive has given me the structure and accountability to make progress on one of these ideas. And as things like this often go, the excitement and momentum around it are encouraging me to do more.


In this wild pandemic year, staying connected with friends is harder than ever and the secondary benefit is that I know I will see friends every 2 weeks! 

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“Live Alive has connected me to womxn I may not necessarily have met on my own. They’ve grown into an amazing support system, great mentors and people I really enjoy being around. They push me to look at things differently and all come from unique backgrounds with interesting perspectives. I’m so grateful to have a space like this to be vulnerable about my goals and ideas and to see where a community of like-minded womxn can take me!”

 Live Alive!
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